Wellington Underwater Club regularly organises Club Dives around Wellington for everyone to join in. 

Club dive dates and times are announced through our membership emails and on social media. 


Nice to enjoy the weather and it seems half of Wellington had gone to Princess Bay.

We did manage to get a dive in at Elsdon Pipe.

Dive was wet and hazy much like a good craft beer.

Post dive.

Really nice conditions for our WUC night dive on Saturday.

In our “after” photo we look a little like we were telling stories around the campfire but in fact we were delighted by tarakihi, juvenile leatherjackets in number, seahorses, squid and more.

Mahanga at night is a special spot if you haven’t explored it.


The September club dive coffee session was held at The Beach House and Kiosk.

Well the diving conditions weren't great on the selected day, so we decided to have a coffee instead.



The March club dive was held at Mermiad's kitchen on Saturday morning with good conditions and a dip in sea temperature to 14oC.

The August club dive was held at Yung Pen wreck.

With anemone's and cafe's about (Judy has the knack for finding both).


Post dive


The Beach House and Kiosk.

These characters turned up to the club dive Saturday morning at Elsdon pipe. We didn’t see any dolphins during the dive but there were a couple of pods of dolphins doing their thing just off the coast.

As the South coast was toast, Judy and the club members went out West to Makara beach.

With anemone's and cryptic triplefin about.

And coffee afterwards.

Stunning day for our WUC January dive. Decent current at Ōwhiro but good vis and a nice chance to explore into the Yung Pen a little for some of our group, now the ship is more open.

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Wellington Underwater Club